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Blog Insider – February 2017

Insider – February 2017

2 February 2017

Insider Front Page Feb 17


The Insider for February includes articles on the following subjects. Please click on the image to the left if you’d like to download the full details of the articles.

SME borrowing set to rise in 2017

SME borrowing is projected to rise 22% in 2017, according to Zurich.

Retired household income up 13% since 2008

Median income for retired households rose by 3.1% between 2014/15 and 2015/16, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Financial concerns affecting worker performance

A quarter of employees have financial problems that are affecting their performance at work.

Small firms pay above minimum pension contribution

37% of small businesses are paying above the 1% legal minimum contribution to an employee’s  workplace pension.