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Where you want to be Goalgetter
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Goalgetter is a service developed for creating a business action plan to drive your business forward and it’s secret is to use a series of powerful questions, designed to get you from where you are to where you want to be. As you answer the series of questions you will build up a definite business plan to provide a roadmap of how to achieve the things you want out of life, and how your business is going to help to do that for you. Our Goalgetter service covers eight key areas and is designed to be totally flexible to focus on what you really need.

The areas covered are:

  • Your personal goals
  • Your business goals
  • Where your business is now
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Building an unstoppable team of people
  • Developing your system
  • Finance
  • Your business action plan – to make it all happen

Some of the many areas we often look at include:-

  • The 7-stage plan for growing your business
  • Using our 24 hour action planning tool
  • Identifying your strengths and weaknesses
  • Your opportunities and threats
  • Finding practical ways to rise to the main challenges facing your business
  • Exploring how systemising your business will give you freedom
  • Planning for the day that you will eventually want to step out of the business

Call us on 01206 266692 or email now to discuss how Goalgetter could help drive your business forward