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Blog March 2017 – Diary of main tax events

March 2017 – Diary of main tax events

2 March 2017

The main tax events for March and April 2017 are listed below:

Date What’s Due
1/03 Corporation tax payment for year to 31/5/16 (unless quarterly instalments apply)
19/03 PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/03/17 (due 22/03 if you pay electronically)
1/04 Corporation tax payment for year to 30/6/16 (unless quarterly instalments apply)
5/04 End of 2016/17  tax year. Many tax actions need to be taken by this date (see above).
19/04 PAYE & NIC deductions, and CIS return and tax, for month to 5/04/17 (due 22/04 if you pay electronically)